5 Signs of an Inefficient AC in Winter Park, FL

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Inefficiency in air conditioners may result from dirty coils, problematic fans and motors, low refrigerant, and electrical faults. An inefficient AC in your Winter Park, FL, home can be detrimental to your finances and the health of loved ones. If you notice any of the following signs, have a professional check your system for faults and inadequacies as soon as possible.

Poor Indoor Air Quality

Air filters help trap contaminants and particulates that would otherwise reduce air quality in your home. They play a crucial role in boosting indoor air quality and comfort, and more importantly, protecting the health of your loved ones.

The Department of Energy recommends replacing them every two months. Once an air filter has served for over two months, it struggles to trap dust and other contaminants in the air.

If you fail to clean or replace them, you’ll end up with an inefficient air conditioner. Over time, the quality of air in your home will deteriorate. Respiratory infections, asthma, and allergies could also worsen. To keep your air conditioner functional, routinely clean and replace the air filters.

Takes Longer to Cool Your Home

If your residential or commercial AC is correctly sized and working perfectly, it’ll take less time to cool your space. Time taken might slightly increase on sunny days with high humidity, which is normal. However, when the same air conditioner has faults, it can take double the time a well-conditioned system takes to cool your home.

It isn’t pleasant to wait for hours to have your space cooled during a sweltering summer day. Besides, an inefficient system requires more energy and will cost you more money in the long run. To resolve problems with longer cooling cycles, contact a competent HVAC service tech to evaluate your AC for low refrigerant, coolant leaking, or faulty electrical components.

The System Is Quite Old

Top air conditioner models can last longer, but the lifespan of cooling systems is between 15 and 20 years. Some models may not last for ten years, even when correctly sized.

If your air conditioner starts to fail at 10, it would be best to inquire from a professional whether repairs will do or if you need a replacement. The best way to deal with AC inefficiencies caused by old age is to install an upgraded system .

Your System Fails Often

Another common warning sign among inefficient air conditioners is their inability to operate without fail. Experts recommend getting your AC serviced at least once a year or more if necessary. You won’t have to worry about as many breakdowns and problems with proper care.

If you’re calling an HVAC technician to repair your air conditioner every month, it indicates something is amiss. It could mean the system requires a comprehensive tune-up and repairs. It could also mean system replacement is unavoidable or damage to some vital components is beyond repair.

Ever-Increasing Electrical Bills

Another key indication of an inefficient air conditioner is rising electricity bills. When an AC becomes old or lacks regular maintenance, it will most likely underperform.

You’ll notice the system will take longer than usual to cool and maintain comfortable conditions in your home. The average power ratings on an air conditioner only come into play when it’s properly maintained.

When an AC is inefficient, it will operate forcefully, causing system components to work harder and take longer to cool your space. The result will be more operation time to achieve the same results and skyrocketing monthly utility bills.

These are key signs of an inefficient air conditioner, which are mandatory to watch out for if you want to keep your system efficient and effective. Most cooling problems that lead to inefficiency are solvable through regular maintenance visits. Contact our reputable team at ACR Air Conditioning & Refrigeration to schedule an appointment and learn more about our AC repair services.

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