3 Signs You Need a New Heat Pump in Apopka, FL

Cold Woman

A lot of people use heat pumps in Apopka, FL, to warm and cool their homes. But just like any other appliance, their functionality and efficiency can ebb with time. Here we will look at three signs that can tell you it’s time to replace your heat pump.

1. Your Home No Longer Feels Comfortable

According to the International Energy Agency, about 20 million households bought heat pumps in 2019, indicating that a sizeable population in the U.S.A is using the appliance. But are the heat pumps serving them well, or are they operating inefficiently?

A heat pump’s lifespan is about 10-15 years, after which its functionality can greatly reduce, making it hard to move air efficiently. If your heating and cooling system is over 15 years old, there are chances its efficiency is significantly impaired.

You may start to realize that it’s not warming the house enough during the winter or cooling it sufficiently during summer. If this is the case, you may need to replace it. However, it’s advisable to consult a heat pump expert before making this move to ensure there’s no other underlying problem.

2. Heat Pump Runs Constantly

Ideally, your heating and cooling should not run constantly. It should stop after cooling or heating your home, depending on how you set the thermostat. If you find it’s running continuously without breaking, you may need repair or to replace the heating and cooling.

A heat pump that runs constantly can be a sign of a number of things; it may be so inefficient is can’t adequately cool or heat your home, or an indication that your heating and cooling is too small for your home. Our team will examine your heat pump to determine where the problem is and advise you accordingly.

3. Frequent Repairs

If you find that you’re calling technicians more frequently to come and fix your heat pump, it might be time to consider replacing it. Investing in a new heat pump may give you peace of mind and make your home comfortable again.

We offer a wide range of heating and air conditioning services. Contact our team at ACR Air Conditioning & Refrigeration today for all your heating needs.

Image provided by iStock

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