4 Reasons Your Heating System Needs Fall Maintenance

person wrapped in blanket drinking coffee in the kitchen

If you’ve just moved into a house that has a heating system, you may not be aware that you’ll need to schedule fall maintenance. This is a fundamental task to complete when you own a heating system. Here are a few top reasons your heating system needs routine maintenance during the fall.

Be Proactive

HVAC systems can be costly to repair. By staying on a routine maintenance schedule, you can be sure you’re staying one step ahead of repair costs. You can also avoid having the HVAC unit break down when you need it the most.

Breathe Easy

When there’s a lengthy amount of time between HVAC maintenance visits, the amount of dust and debris an HVAC system releases into the air can cause misery to allergy sufferers. By keeping the system as clean as possible, you can breathe easy knowing you aren’t only keeping your HVAC unit healthy, but you’re keeping your lungs healthy as well.

Lower the Bills

A clogged and dirty air filter not only strains the system, but it also strains your budget as well. Change your air filter every month, and you might see your monthly electric bill drop a bit. Who doesn’t like to save money?

For Safety’s Sake

An uninspected HVAC system not only delivers dirty air, but it can also have gas leaks or carbon monoxide leaks that you may not be aware of. This is why it’s important to get your system inspected at least once a year in the fall. It’s crucial to schedule preventive maintenance before you need your system during the winter.

Call ACR Air Conditioning & Refrigeration today to schedule routine maintenance for your HVAC system. We can get you started on a fall tune-up right away and get you on a seasonal schedule for future visits as well.

Image provided by iStock

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