4 Signs You Need a New Thermostat in Winter Park, FL

New Thermostat in Winter Park, FL

Like every part of your heating and cooling system, your thermostat will eventually need replacing. In general, your system’s control should last about 10 years, and it needs a replacement when you replace your air conditioner. Keep an eye out for these four signs that you need a new thermostat sooner.

The Temperature Reading Is Incorrect

Your thermostat may say that the temperature in your home is at your preferred setting, but it feels too cool or warm inside. This happens as thermostats reach the end of their operating life.

Rather than adjusting your setting to get comfortable, grab an independent thermometer and check the temperature. If the thermostat is significantly off from the thermometer, it’s time to replace it.

Your Heating or Cooling System Runs Constantly

On average, HVAC systems normally run two or three cycles per hour. Anything more than that indicates your system is likely experiencing a problem, and you may need heating or air conditioning repair.

Your thermostat is the primary trigger for your system to start and stop. If it isn’t registering the temperature correctly, your cycles will continue extending, causing your system to run longer.

Recent Skyrocketing Energy Consumption

Your energy consumption should be relatively constant compared to the year prior. If you notice a significant spike in consumption, you may have an issue with your HVAC system. The extended heating and cooling cycles that occur when your thermostat malfunctions may be to blame.

Your Thermostat Is More Than a Decade Old

All electrical components will eventually degrade with age, including those in your thermostat. Once your thermostat reaches about 10 years old, you’ll likely see a significant difference. It’s a small investment that will pay dividends in reducing your energy bills and extending the life of your HVAC system.

Don’t let an old or malfunctioning thermostat dry out your wallet or cut the life of your HVAC system. Call to schedule an appointment with the experts at ACR Air Conditioning & Refrigeration to install a new thermostat today.

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