How Air Cleaners Improve Your Home’s Indoor Air Quality

Air Duct

Indoor air pollution comes from many sources. A portable or integrated air cleaner helps reduce indoor air pollution and provides cleaner air in your Orlando home. Knowing how air cleaners improve your indoor air quality allows you to make an informed decision about your family’s comfort and health.

Capture of Gases

High-efficiency air cleaning systems have filters that capture gases that can be harmful for your health. Volatile organic compounds are gases released by common household products. The “new car” smell is actually off-gassing of such compounds. A new sofa, new carpeting, fresh paint, wood glue in furniture, varnish and many other materials in your home could off-gas. The volatile organic compounds may contribute to breathing problems. Combustion gases from gas-powered appliances may also generate gases. Air cleaners with an activated carbon filter remove most of these unwanted gases from the air in your home. This makes your air smell fresher. It also lessens your risk of breathing difficulties.

Removal of Particles

Air cleaners that work in conjunction with your heating and cooling system are highly effective at removing particles from the air. Particulates are a leading cause of poor indoor air quality. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, small particulates, especially those measuring less than 10 micrometers, can get deep into your lungs. They can even get into your bloodstream. Removing these particles reduces your risk of aggravation of heart and lung disease.

Reduction of Allergens

Breathing in particles of dust triggers allergy and asthma symptoms. Pet dander, tiny carpet fibers, and other particles measuring greater than 10 micrometers in size also contribute to respiratory problems in sensitive individuals. Air cleaning systems have high-efficiency particulate air filters that capture most of these particles, resulting in fewer breathing problems.

For more information about how air cleaners could improve your home’s air quality, check out ACR Air Conditioning & Refrigeration’s air cleaner installations or call today.

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