Identifying the Causes of These 5 Strange Furnace Smells

Sniffing Out the Reasons for AC Smells in Windermere, FL

If your Apopka, FL furnace starts producing strange smells, you’re going to stress. You might not immediately know if the problem is minor or major. Identifying the odor can help you pinpoint the specific issue and determine what needs to happen.

1. Musty or Dusty Smells

Musty or dusty smells usually indicate biological growth, possibly in the ductwork or in an air conditioning coil that sits above your furnace. If the smell persists after the first few uses of the season, you might need professional cleaning, or a clogged air filter might need replacing.

2. Burning Smell

If it smells like something’s burning in your furnace, it could be that plastic or flammable items might be too close to your pilot light. Oil tank spillage might also be the source of the odor.

3. Sewage or Rotten Eggs

Shut your system off and schedule service as quickly as you can if you notice a smell like sewage or rotten eggs. Your heat exchanger might be failing, and that can send carbon monoxide gas throughout your home.

4. That Dirty Sock Smell

The locker room scent you try to forget could indicate an accumulation of bacteria. Professional cleaning might be the only way to get rid of it, but your nose will thank you.

5. Electric or Plastic Burning

The smell of plastic burning might indicate an item that’s too close to the pilot light or a hot surface, but it might also mean wires and electrical components shorting out. Shut the system down immediately, and call for professional service.

Furnaces with strange smells tell you something is probably wrong. The kind of smell might indicate the specific issue and help point to an answer. Contact us at ACR Air Conditioning & Refrigeration so we can help you with heating repair services that restore your peace of mind.

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