Need a New HVAC? Consider Ductless Mini-Splits in Orlando, FL

Debunking 5 Myths About Ductless Mini-Splits

Are you considering a new HVAC system for your home in Orlando, FL? If so, be sure to consider ductless mini-splits. These systems will help you enjoy a complete heating home solution that goes beyond your expectations.

Adjustable Refrigerant Flow

Generally, ductless mini-splits have a unique feature of adapting to the various temperature requirements of your house. With ductless mini-splits, you can identify the ideal heating level of your house by monitoring the external and internal temperatures.

To achieve satisfactory results, ductless mini-splits usually use a variable refrigerant flow. This allows the system to function efficiently towards achieving the set temperatures. Also, this results in minimum energy consumption, saving you money on energy bills.

Silent Operation

Another benefit of installing a ductless mini-split is that they operate more silently than other HVAC systems. If you’re looking for a system to help you warm your home with less noise, then this might be your option.

Also, to ensure that your home temperature is well maintained, the units are well distributed in various rooms. As a result, this also helps in reducing the energy consumed by the fans. For best results with ductless, be sure to contact ACR Air Conditioning & Refrigeration technicians right away.

Easy Installation

As the name suggests, ductless mini-splits don’t rely on ductwork to function, which makes them easy to install. Additionally, mini-split conduits connecting the condenser and your air handlers can run for long distances without joints or weak spots. This makes mini-splits ideal systems even for large homes with multiple rooms.

Small Installation Footprint

Another great benefit of ductless mini-split systems is that they don’t require a huge space to install. They come in small sizes compared to a furnace and other central air systems. This helps in saving space, especially for small homes.

We offer quality and reliable services to make sure all our customers in Orlando, FL, enjoy a comfy home all year round. For more information about AC services, be sure to contact ACR Air Conditioning & Refrigeration today.

Image provided by iStock

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