What’s That Smell Coming From My Heat Pump?

Heat Pump Smell

Unexplained smells in your Windermere, FL, home are cause for concern. If you notice these strange odors are more pronounced when your heat pump runs, it’s safe to assume that your home’s HVAC system has something to do with the problem. Learn more about what’s wrong with your heat pump if it emits an unusual smell.

Rotten Fish

A heat pump in Windermere, FL, can emit rotten fish smell if a plastic or metallic part starts overheating. Continuing to use your heat pump when it’s overheating isn’t only unsafe but can also lead to more significant issues. An HVAC maintenance check can confirm if it’s overheating.

Rotten Eggs

When your heat pump smells like rotten eggs or sulfur, it can mean an animal has died inside the ducts in your home. Small animals like the warmth and protection that ducts provide. But if they die inside the ducts, their decomposing bodies will release an unpleasant smell.

Burning Plastic

If it smells like plastic or rubber is burning, that’s exactly what you’re smelling. You shouldn’t ignore this smell because it’s possibly a wiring problem in your heat pump. That can also mean you have a fire hazard on your hands.

Dirty Socks

You’ve probably noticed the musty and damp odor if you’ve ever stepped into an old basement. When you notice this sort of smell coming from your heat pump, it’s usually a sign of bacterial growth somewhere in the system. Typically, these issues happen in the evaporator coils where condensation builds up. In this case, you’ll need to schedule a heat pump repair.

Contact ACR Air Conditioning & Refrigeration today to discover what’s causing your home’s heat pump to smell. Our trained and experienced HVAC service technicians offer heat pump services in Windermere, FL, and the surrounding areas.

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